No? Well, I do. A whole freaking lot.
Especially my dogs. Really, especially Madison. She's an old miniature schnauzer and getting a little senile, I think (she tried to eat a freaking NEEDLE today; a NEEDLE), but she's still the cutest thing ever and addictingly soft. Even though she's a grumpy old lady, she still loves to cuddle, especially when you're feeling down. Dogs are awesome and will do that because they love you.
Tonight, though, I didn't have Madison come to my rescue. I didn't even get any cuddle time. No, tonight, when I was feeling like crying and just curling up in a ball. I mean, this was an emo moment where I didn't even feel like reaching out to anyone because I felt like I'd be annoying. But, out of nowhere, who appears? That's right, little miss Surly, Heidi.
Heidi is a little younger than Madison and also a miniature schnauzer. They're related, actually. Madison is usually the springy and, as Megan says, "eccentric" (aka crazy) elder and Heidi is the wise-like, keep-everyone-in-line elder. Heidi also doesn't come over to say hi very easily (or at least she doesn't for ME).
But, tonight, she seemed to notice I needed a little attention and came over so I could pet her. I even stopped for a moment and she pawed at me, insisting that I give her love. I giggled and was face to face with her for a moment. I asked for sugars and she obliged, licking my face a little. She's nice like that. Of course, she had to get more lovings then, so I got to pet her and try to get her to play a little more before she sauntered off to jump into her chair. She's laying there now, probably half asleep. And now, thanks to that small moment of love, I think that I'm gonna hold a special place in my heart for this darling Pookie. <3
What a lovely story. It's amazing how much a dog can cheer you up when you're down. I've never owned a Miniature Schnauzer before, but I did have a Collie when I was little, and that dog was always around to love on me and give me kisses when I was sad.