Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kid and Friend

Chyeah, I haven't posted anything in awhile, and I want to test out my essay on changing attitudes with stereotypes and such. it is?!?! xD


There were two pals: Kid and Friend. Friend was a good student and had amazing grades. He had never skipped a day in his life and never planned on it. Kid, however, was the exact opposite. It was amazing to see Kid more than once a week, and when she did come, it was to see Friend. Friend was worried about Kid and so he set out to persuade her to come back to school.

Friend knew that Kid liked him. A lot. For some reason, he could not seem to leave that fact alone. He thought about ways he could get Kid to return to school. He couldn't think of anything, though. Talking to her never worked. She never listened to him. Force was out, too: As much as Friend might deny it, Kid was stronger than he was and there was no way he could drag her into the school.

Then a new idea hit him. What was the perfect way to get her to take more stock in what he said, to get her to listen? Become her significant other--her boyfriend. She would swoon all over him then do whatever he wanted. Friend could get her to come to school, and help her get her grades up, just with that one simple question.

The only problem? Friend didn't like Kid that way. She was a...well...friend. He'd be in a relationship he didn't wan, acting like he liked her. Was she worth it? Kid was a friend... but were her grades worth his own feelings? He waited another week, but with midterms coming up quickly, he had to make his decision.

Friend ask Kid to meet him at a local cafe after school so they could talk. He got there early and bought them both a coffee and Kid a strawberry crepe because he knew it was her favorite. Kid eventually did show up, late as always. She was excited, as if she knew what he was going to say. She sat down eagerly, ignoring the thin pancake and coffee. Friend didn't say anything for several minutes, just sipping his coffee. Finally, he looked Kid right in the eye and said one thing.


Then he left.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pokemons, gotta catch 'em all!

YES, I AM, IN FACT, A DORK!, I was gonna angst some more or maybe ramble about maybe angsting and being swoony and such. But then I started talking Pokemon with someone and kind of lost the gumption to write about anything to do with anything angsty. So, Pokemon it is. Less geeky ones of my might want to avoid this post. xD

I kinda love Eevee. It's always been my favorite, I think. Don't know what an Eevee is? Google it. Lovely, adorable little squirrel-fox thing, evolves into, like, seven different Pokemon under certain conditions: Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon. Originally, there was only the first three, but then they got further along in the game (er...pun not intended) and decided to add on Espeon and Umbreon, then Leafeon and Glaceon even later. Maybe it's this variety that's made it always appeal to me so much, maybe the adorableness of it, or maybe the prettiness of the evolutions (except Jolteon...Jolteon scares me). Maybe it was that you didn't need to level the darling up at all to get the evolution I really liked, Vaporeon. Just need a water stone and BAM. Amazing mer-fox-thing. :D Yeah, Eevee was nifty.

....mmkay, now I'm bored. Let's review some of the evolutions or something, shall we (but only the first three because they're the only ones that count :D)?

VAPOREON! Oh, how I love thee. :D Water types have always been my favorite, due to some obssession with mermaids and such when I was little, I guess. But really, how could you ever NOT love that face? <3>
n Eevee if you can get your hands on one (assuming you're not in Hoenn or that other new region that I can't remember, of course, you probably can) or trading for one (your only option if you're in Hoenn or...Sinnoh or whatever). My final statement? Vaporeon is awesome.

Next.....Flareon! Second favorite of the original three and still adorable and very, very fluffy. You can get Flareon the same way you get Vaporeon, only instead of a Water stone you have to use a Fire stone, obviously. Bulbapedia calls Flareon the Flame Pokemon, which is appropriate enough, considering that it IS a fire type. This little bugger has a high body temperature and looks the most like Eevee out of ALL of the evolutions, including the other four that I am excluding. Not much to say about Flareon...just that it's not quite as awesome as Vaporeon, in my opinion, but much, much better than Jolteon. o___O

Last, and certainly least, Jolteon. This one just kind of scares me. It's pointy, and even though it's smiling here...not quite as adorable as the other two. It's the Lightning Pokemon and you get it via a thunderstone. According to Bulbapedia, they are also kind of bipolar, because they get sad or angry easily. This is bad because they build up a charge, and if they are startled, then they can shoot the energy off or shoot out their bristles...and, well, you should get yourself some medical attention asap. I don't like this one much and thus have nothing more to say. :D

...gawsh, I feel like a dork. I just blogged about freaking Pokemon. xD Well. At least I had fun. Before I take off, though...little tid bit for you. There was an episode (in the original run of Pokemon, I would assume, with Ash, Misty, and Brock) called the Eevee brothers. I don't know the story line much, but the names of these brothers were Mikey (he had Eevee), Rainer (Vaporeon), Sparky (Jolteon), and Pyro (Flareon). ...yeah, Pokemon isn't all that creative. xD


Monday, April 5, 2010


[Warning: Lots of teenage angst. If you don't want to read any thoughts on a past relationship, you might not want to read this. Sorry, it's all that's on my mind right now.]

Well, as a comic I read this weekend said, call me Mario, 'cuz I've been one-upped. It would seem that dear friend is doing a much better job than I ever was at being a significant other. I hear about them hanging out way more than I think we ever did. Does that mean that I was a horrid significant other? Did I have lesser feelings because I didn't think I needed to see them so often? It was much like that in the end, I guess. Less wanting to be around him. Panicking at the thought of us meeting up, avoiding any contact like the plague. Not even having th courage to end it in person, using the internet like a coward. Of course, that's how it began, so I justified it with saying it was fine for it to end that way, too. I felt bad about it then, felt bad about it a month after, two months after, and I feel bad about it now. Was it the right thing to do? For myself, it was, obviously. I don't think it was healthy for me to feel so insecure that way, even if he himself was doing nothing to make it seem that way. Or maybe he did. Maybe it just got serious way too quickly for my little head and I got worried. Worried about what? I'm not entirely sure anymore. Worrying about everything, I suppose. What I'd get him for his birthday in two months. What we'd do for Valentine's Day. Whether or not I'd panic and chicken out on everything, just seeing him in school. I couldn't even bear to share my feelings about anything. I don't think he really knows how scared I felt, how terrifying it felt to even think about going out, let alone actually doing it. I'm not entirely sue what's up with me, or even if it could be classified as a "wrong". Maybe we rushed it. Maybe I wasn't ready for it in the first place. Maybe I should have listened to my parents. Maybe I got in over my head. No, definitely, I got in over my head. When did it start, though? That first kiss? I was on top of the world then. Nothing could touch me.

Then there was a dip, a mild depression of sorts, as I was thrown off balance by a random act of kindness by someone that I thought was mad at me or something. Ice cream, it seems, is something that can woo easily. After that, everything seemed like it as at the end. Panic. That's the only word I think to use to describe it. My breathing would get irregular, quick, like I was hyperventilating. Maybe I was. My head would feel so full that I just needed to scream, scream and scream and scream. Now, it may be my author-like flair adding details that never existed to the story, but I'm pretty sure that I did feel all of this. Then it was gone. Poof. A little anger over asking if I'd cheat, but that was it. The butterflies were back and I was glad to have them. Things were alright again.

After that, was a trip to Alabama. A month away. He asked if I wanted to...break up, I guess, in case I met someone there. I thought it was a silly idea. Meet someone, in Alabama? I would be hanging around a bunch of college kids. And mostly girls, for that matter. How on earth would I meet someone? And even if I did, there was no way long distance would work. I told him all that, and got a confused response of "?". Then I said that it wouldn't matter, because I didn't need anyone else. That made him happy, I think. Was this another sign that things weren't going well? That I came up with a logical response first instead of the one that his insecure self was obviously fishing for? I realized afterwards that boyfriends don't like logic much. But it was a silly question to ask, wasn't it? "Want to break up in case you meet someone?" For a month in the south? I really, really hope I never get insecure enough to have to ask that.

So, south I went. Worried worried worried all the way there and all the way back. And, then, when school was about to start up once more, I panicked big time. He tried to get together, meet up at the mall with friends or something. I used band camp as an excuse, even though that wrapped up by noon. Then, just weeks before school started was over. Poof. Ended. I found it interesting that no one seemed all that shock-and-awe on my page, no one asked me what happened, save for a Kibbey and an Anna, I think...I wonder what he told them happened. I wonder if he said that I was cowardly, that I simply sent him a message saying I couldn't handle it. It was over. I wonder if they hold it against me.

And now, even though it's been what, six months? I still hurt. Girl codes about asking if it's okay to date an ex always seemed stupid, would've been nice. I would've felt like I was cared about. That she didn't want to hurt my feelings. She didn't even tell me directly that she liked him. She told another friend, and I figured it out through his taunting (Ryan's nifty that way, he is). She was one of the first people I told about my latest crush (gosh, saying it that way makes me feel like a heart slut) and she didn't think that maybe telling me that she liked an ex and he liked her back would be a good idea? What. The. Eff. That's all I really have to say. ...well, not all, really, considering I wrote this huge thing all about it.

But, really, I think that's all I have to say about it. All of this. And, so, I guess I sure AM an honorary emo kid now. ....and so is Emily Turek. :)