Saturday, August 13, 2011

I feel so pretty, and girly, and SPLODEY!

Guess who's still alive?! That's right, ME! Man, it's been forever since I wrote on here. Why? Probably because I feel bad about short nonsense posts on blogger. I like using Tumblr for quick thoughts that have no real purpose.

(Although it's probably because no one has my tumblr URL other than Anna. And lately, I haven't been feeling very let's-post-where-people-who-don't-like-me-know-where-I-post.)

But, y'know, whatever. I'm not feeling spiteful in any way, shape, or form right now, so LET'S POST WHERE PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE ME KNOW WHERE I POST!

Alrighty, so I just actually looked at my posts and I haven't posted something like a real blog post since April. 30 day challenges and lame-o song lyrics do not count.

So, I think I'm gonna try blogging on a semi-regular basis again. Just for me. I might post this on Facebook just to let people know that I'm at it again, but otherwise... meh. Get here yerselves. Honorary emu is something that makes my URL a little easier to remember, I think.

I've been feeling weirdly girly lately. I still won't do purses (they're MESSENGER BAGS and TOTES. MESSENGER BAGS AND TOTES.) or wear make-up every day (gaaah too much woooork), but I almost feel like doing things with my hair. *_* And, speaking of my hair, I can't do anything fun until after senior pictures!!! D: And, if I'm really gonna be Cheetara for Halloween this year like I'd like to be, then... I'ma need either blonde hair or a wig. I kind of want to try blonde hair, despite my uber dark eyebrows. I'd probably style it Cheetara-like every day. (Unless Ms. Sue thinks she can do polka spots ((is that even possible?!)), I don't think there will be any.) Thoughts?

Nenna has also been slightly splodey. Today I kind of went off on my mom for reasons that are still sorta unknown to me. ._. I mean, I guess I was upset that she seemed to be implying that my handwriting was absolutely freaking terrible even though it was completely legible. I mean, I know when my handwriting's bad. This wasn't one of those times. And then I formatted the list slightly weird and Tech didn't seem to have a fax number I could give to the school to send out my transcript with... and... yeah. I was a little frustrated and yelled and threw stuff when I shouldn't have. I stormed off to my room like an angsty, angry teenager and I didn't like it. I usually pride myself on not being the stereotypical teenager, yet there I was, being a stereotypical teenager. Murrrrrrr.

Next school year sounds kind of scary. I was thinking about that today. Maybe that's why I was on edge? I mean, it's gonna suck okay maybe not. It'll just be weird the first few weeks, I'm sure. Adjusting to what will hopefully be a very empty schedule (totally dropping that Ferris bloody medical thing; free college or not, I don't think I can handle it. Plus, I totally want to try for that empty schedule. I have, like, four required classes, if you count Modern Problems. And hub. That makes for an empty schedule at least for part of the year.). (Very long parenthetical is very long.) Figuring out where the fffffffffffff I'm gonna sit at lunch. Getting to do lots of yelling commands in band. Hopefully *crosses fingers* not yelling and screaming as much as I did at the beginning of last year. Honestly, I think the fact that there are more kids (can I call Evan, Shane, Tyler, etc. kids? I mean, Tyler's actually older than me!) will hold me back. I felt embarrassed enough when I did it in front of the kids from last year and I barely knew half of them. I only saw them three times a week for an hour and a half, maybe, if they decided to come to hub every day. The boys, however, I see every day at school and that would lead to much more oh gawd are they judging me for freaking out!??!?!!? But yeah. I'm tired of City kids getting to see so much EMOTIONAL!Jenna. And I'm sure everyone else is tired of seeing her, too.

Ummmm... I think that's about it. But yeah, tl;dr: Jenna is back and still worrying and thinking about trivial things. And oh Cheetara's in there somewhere too.

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