Monday, June 28, 2010


Such a descriptive title. But it's just how I'm feeling. (Lookit, Brian, you're getting that update you wanted after all.)

Despite the happy-go-lucky ABBA that's playing in my ears (GAWLL, Jeremiah knows just how to attempt and cheer me up), I'm feeling less than happy than I was earlier.

See, I've kinda been dealing with a stupid one-sided affection of sorts thats kind of been bothering me since February. I thought maybe I was doing better with it, buuuut....being eight hundred miles away has not helped. At all. And on top of that, I'm helping maybe get him to help out a friend with something...something that I kind of really wish I could do with him. I'm not gonna be specific 'cuz I don't want my feelings to suddenly be OUT THERE to everyone. I mean, the important people know...but other than that, ha ha, no, no, you don't need to know, internet. No.

SO ANYWAY I'M FEELING KIND OF AWESOME FOR TALKING TO HIM ABOUT IT, 'CUZ HEY, WE'RE TALKING! ....but I'm also kinda like nyeeeaaaah because I don't want the friend to be able to do it with him when I can't. Stupid group's already full up. >> And part of me wants to tell Friend that she could just message him herself now, he probably wouldn't be weirded out or anything...but I also want to use this as an excuse to talk to him. D: Darnit, I dislike this.

Conclusion? Boys are stupid.

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned me again! I'm becoming internet-famous! c:

    Sorry to hear about your troubles though. *big ol' hug*
