Friday, June 11, 2010


That was a kind of awesome license plate we saw while in Grand Haven today.

Oh my gawsh was it pretty.

Today started out pretty gross and rainy. It was kind of sad, because we had already planned on visiting the amaaazing city today. My dad took the day off and everything. How could it rain while we were at the beach? Definitely not cool. It was thundering and all that crap on the way there, too. It was really starting to worry me.

But then we got there....and it was BEAUTIFUL (or, as my status later stated, BEAVTIFUL). It was so warm out, and sunny, and just amazing. We (me, sister, father and mother) all had lunch at the Kirby Grill, then decided to walk along Washington St/Ave (not sure which it is) and look at some shops. Most of what we were looking for was shorts, because Mom forgot hers and was dyyyyyying in her jeans. We never found any, in all our wanderings, so we ended up at Meijer instead. And, while we were there, Megan and I ended up getting some cooler clothes, too, and sunscreen. After we got back to the beach, it was so much cooler. Even a plain t-shirt was waaaay too hot for that weather.

So, all sunscreened up, we walked down the boardwalk and sloooooooowly made our way to the beach. From where we were parked, it was a very long walk. But it was also kind of nice. Megan was taking pictures all along the way, and a couple of times people were like "OMG SHE'S TAKING PICTURES WHAT'S GOING ON OVER THEREEEEEE". Apparently there aren't many photographers in Grand Haven.

We made it to the lighthouse, walked along that, watched some idiots jump off and nearly kill themselves, and then walked back to the beach. Which felt AWESOME on our weary feet. The cold water helped, too. We got to see a lot of cute little kids (I am NOT a pedo, darnit, children are just adorable) and we made a sandcastle with our bare hands. And I made a sandman. :D

After we were done at the beach, we eeeeeeverrrrr so slowly walked back to the car and got ice cream from a lovely place in downtown Grand Haven. Then, ice cream in hand, we went home. Now, we're all exhausted (Dad and I especially, considering I had to take an exam at 7:30 in the morning today and he had to get me there) and definitely ready for sleep.

And I don't even care that someone I thought was a close friend didn't invite me to her birthday shindig. Grand Haven is both beautiful AND magic. :)

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