I wish I could think of another 'M' word to complete the alliteration, but I'm not really trying to focus on this right nowwww. I want to go find an interesting NatGeo article to keep me occupied at school tomorrow while I wait for my books to come in at the library. (I finished The Underland Chronicles. They were fantastic.) Anyway, magical musical confession!
(Note: I've heard this song before, but I never thought to mess with it. I wasn't all singy-musical then.)
So I heard "Bodies" by Drowning Pool on the radio today and I was trying to think if I sang it. I mean, my voice's way too smooth to do that screamy stuff the guy does and I probably wouldn't want to sound like that in the first place, but it was an interesting idea. How could the song sound different if I were to sing it smoother? I dunno. And I'm not sure I'll get to find out because I am not confident enough in my guitar skillz to master the tab enough to be able to smooth it out while still being able to tell that, hey, this is Bodies. (Lyrics excluded.) I couuuuuuuld probably talk to bestie about it...but I'm afraid he'll laugh at me. .__. Which is bad, if I consider him bestie.
HEY BESTIE. Read this on your own? Well, then would you pretty please think about trying to do Bodies smoother? 'Cause I think it'd be a neat idea. And I'd like to try it. And you're the only guitar player I'll willingly sing around. ;_;
(And Megan says hi.)
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