Saturday, January 8, 2011



Mrs. William's finaaaally gave the manuscript--you have no idea how excited I am to use that word, although I don't know if it actually applies--back to me yesterday and I started making changes as soon as I sat down at the computer. We were in the computer lab working on our essays to go along with our big ol' Crucible projects, something I've had since Monday because I was working on making money the rest of the week (yay swim meets!). One of my friends sat next to me and asked me "Geez, Jenna, how much did you write?" I was very, very proud of myself to say it was my novella. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't quite the term novella, so it's really just my "book," I guess. But whatever. I WROTE SOMETHING. It is back in my hands. ...I AM SO HAPPY.

But now I've made changes and I don't think I'll be allowed to print it out again so someone else can try reading it. And it's rather hard to try and read something on the computer; I've already tried editing it that way. But, still...anyone wanna try reading it now?

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