I've discovered that more and more people don't believe that I don't know certain musical artists or bands or whatever. I didn't realize it was weird until I got into high school and a lot of the people I wanted to be around were music music music. (I'm not putting down music here, but middle school me? Proooobably not quite as in love with music as high school me is.) It made me feel kind of bad because people would be all "WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW SO-AND-SO?!" Not the best thing for a timid chick, yeah? So I got to thinking about that today and discovered that my childhood soundtrack was pretty scarce. And I decided to list it so people could know why I didn't know a lot of different kinds of music.
And so, here's the soundtrack to my childhood.
Yellow Submarine Soundtrack - The BeatlesI'm not sure why this CD was played all the time. Why this over any of the other Beatles stuff we had? I dunno. Maybe because it had the prettiest colors on the case? But yeah. I probably knew the lyrics to Nowhere Man and Eleanor Rigby by the time I was five or somethin'.
Bat Outta Hell - Meat LoafAhahaha, probably not the best stuff to listen to when you're young, but whatever. I like Meat Loaf. He might swear sometimes and talk about sex and shizz, but I didn't know that when I was little. *shrug* It was all kisses in my head.
Bark at the Moon - OzzyAgain, probably not the best for a kid, but whatever. I don't know if there was a lot of listening to this one, though, because I can remembering thinking Bat Outta Hell belonged to Ozzy. But, obviously, it does not, so maybe this wasn't played that often.
Nearly Every Disney Song Known to Man...does this really need explaining?
Various Country SongsOn the way to church, my dad would put 93.7 or 94.5 on, two stations that any Grand Rapidian should know to be pretty country. Or at least they were more so when I was growing up...er...younger growing up, I mean. I'm still growing up now, obviously. But yeah. In addition to the Kenny Rogers CD I had and the Toby Keith CD we got later, there was a lot of country.
Greatest Hits - QueenOHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS. ....eh heh. Probably another CD I had memorized by the time I was five or six. Freddie is also one of my favorite singers because of this, I think... (My other favorite singers include a couple of redheads, but only one them is a natural ginger... ;])
Various 70s and 80s SongsThese were mostly ones that almost everyone should know, but still. They stuck better in my head than most other songs that I might've heard growing up.
And there were probably more, probably things I wouldn't want the public to know...but this was most of it. So, please. Understand why I know nothing of the musics. xD I always listened to what my parents liked because we had it...and this was what they liked, for the most part. I was too lazy a kid to surf Youtube and I wasn't a big radio person, so...*shrug* Eh.