Saturday, February 19, 2011


That is totally the name of my fish. Because I call him nothing but Fishie. So there. >>

Today I took care of said Fishie. Finally. His water level had been slowly dwindling and I was looking at it with guilty guiltness everytime I saw it, but never did anything about it because I would look away and get distracted. And, for some reason, cleaning his fish bowl always seems like a herculan task, despite doing it just now in probably twenty minutes, if that. I think it's because of the old days where we had to use a huge hose thing or clean out a filter instead of just scrubbing down the bowl and then rinsing the jewels and fake plants with hot water. I kind of miss filters because of the whole oh-just-replace-the-charcoal-and-stuff! but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore...I know I'd mess it up somehow and end up calling my mom for help.

Imagine that. Me as a grown adult and calling my mom to find out how to change my filter. Hm. I'd draw it out for you, but then I'd feel like I was copying this awesome person and I don't want to do that.

Anyway, my motivation for cleaning it today was that the person who gave me Fishie is coming over for Megan's birthday shindig tomorrow and I didn't want her to be like "OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT POOR FISH. D':" Because she's loud and overdramatic sometimes like that. (Although I still really, really needed to take care of the poor thing...)

One thing that stood in my way was the lack of sink space. We need to load the dishwasher. I needed the sink to wash my fish bowl. I did not want to load the dishwasher. ...

So I used the bath tub.

It was kind of easier, in a way. Lots more space. I could just sit on the side of the tub and do my stuff. It was kind of a worry for my fish's health, though, because the dogs had baths today as well. But I rinsed off everything with hot water, so it should be okay...right...? I also kind of liked using the bath tub because it made me feel like I was a little kind playing or something.

But yes. I was productive today! :D I've even got laundry going. So take that, world and you, too, Internet. You cannot keep me distracted for forever.

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