Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good news, bad news.

Good news: The angry red bump on my nose is clearing up!
Bad news: Two more have appeared.

Good news: I've nearly hit ten thousand words for my NaNoWriMo "novel!"
Bad news: I'm supposed to be at about fifteen thousand by now. xD

Good news: I've decided I don't care about being behind! I'm writing an itty bitty novella now and shooting for about 30,000 words.
Bad news: This means I get no prize for NaNoWriMo. xD

Good news: I'm being mature! I'm doing a good thing! I'm moving on!
Bad news: I could very well be lying to myself and only doing it to feel better/get someone back. I'm probably going to be accosted by people I care about for this like I was for apologizing to Micah and Kevin way back when. (Apologizing to Kevin I don't exactly regret; I wish I would have punched Micah.)

Good news: Zoe's talkin' to meeeee!
Bad news: She's telling me I'm wrong. wtf.

Good news: I'm pretty sure I definitely have a crush! :D This makes me happy!
Bad news: It's never going anywhere because I don't want what's happened two out of three times to happen again. All three times were a disaster, actually, if you look at the complete end result.

Good news: I can kind of joke about being a homewrecker!
Bad news: I kind of was once. Rachel and Omar. Gah.

And...that's it. Even though I wrote both...I think I'm going to have to focus on the good. 'Cause otherwise I'ma think I'm a banana tree.

(bonus points to the person who gets that reference thar)


(remember, you want those bonus points so you don't die ;D)

1 comment:

  1. *Like*

    You funny. I like it.
    You focusing on the Good. I REALLY like it.
