Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yay for mini notes!

'Cause I don't think I can sleep without writing this first.

Dear Person Who Will Remain Unnamed,
wtf HOW DID YOU BELIEVE THAT EVASIVENESS?!?! I know I wouldn't if someone had given me that crap line. Part of me thinks you didn't, but I can't be sure. Did the look I give you make you think it was a stupid question? I certainly hope so. I'd thought to be keeping that to myself for awhile longer. Or, y'know, for forever.

Dear Adorable One,
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be worrying about this. Gr.

Dear Snow,
Please, please PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE keep on truckin'. I would absolutely love it if there were a snow day tomorrow (although I think Megan would be upset that she couldn't finish her Munny). I would hate to have to walk to WMCAT in snow. Please just give us a day off.

Dear God,
Please keep that dog well. There's been enough crap for them.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's it. Have a pleasant tomorrow, folks.

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