So, I'm back on to those silly friends of mine. The ones that don't pay much (or any) attention to me.
I almost sent one of them a message saying I was sorry that we hadn't talked in forever and also apologizing for something I may have done without knowing it. It was pretty well thought out for the ten minutes it took to write, I think (but obviously, with all this, I'm a writer as it is). I looked at it for a moment after I finished it, though, and deleted the whole thing. I didn't send her or anyone else a message. I almost sent another friend a message, but I didn't even get far enough to open a new message up. That same friend is online right now and I won't talk to her. I'm too darn stubborn.
I want THEM to come crawling back, for THEM to want ME in THEIR lives again. And I know I'm being stupid about this, but I can't help it. I'm just pissed that they hurt me and I want them to say they're sorry instead of running back spouting apologies that they probably don't deserve. I don't want to have to be the one to try and patch things up. I want to know that they want me to be their friend. I don't want to be desperate for them just so I can feel like I'm loved.
I...I need to find something to do.
I understand what you mean, babes. That situation sucks. I guess that best I can say is try to move on. If they don't love you enough to want you, they are very stupid. You're awesome. And people who don't want to be around your awesome have no brain cells. Do you really want to be around people with no brain cells? NO. CAUSE THEY SUCK AND ARE STUPID. See? It's a nonproblem. They fail, you're great, the end. :D