Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 5 + 6


I totally was in Chicago yesterday, which means I came home tired and not wanting to write. At all. So here's two days worth of 30 days. :3

Day Five: Five places you wanna go.
(I think I'm gonna go with countries 'cause I'm too lazy to pick out different cities.)

Ireland - It's IRELAND, man. Greenness and leprechauns and the works.

(I'm also too lazy to explain these much, btw.)

Germany - I dunno. It just seems like the place to go, you know? I'm pretty German, though I probably know my French and EVEN Russian better than German. And I dunno. It seems like it be a cool place to go.

France - Also kind of a definite must-visit. It's France. With Paris and the language and aaaaaall ooooof iiiiiit. :D

Russia - I like Russia. It sounds pretty. I kind of know how to speak the language. A little bit. I could probably survive...and what I've learned from my Russian stuff is that they like foreigners and learning about them, so maybe it would be cool. :3 I bet it'd be cool.

Umm...umm...Britain - Yeah. My brain's going dead. It's lame. I know. I like English accents and there's lots of cool stuff there. I wanna see Scotland, too, though. So let's go to just the entire United Kingdom, shall we?

Day Six: Musical Artist that Made the Biggest Impact.

I dunno. I grew up with so much music, it's hard to choose what really got me into it. The Beatles and Queen are definitely up there, but it was Paramore that I first sang on my own, like a little rockstar. So I guess it'd be them. As I've gotten more into newer music though (I've never been much of one to look things up, of course, but...Pandora helps), I've found Metric and Florence + the Machine and Adele and all these other cool bands that also make me think 'Hey. Maybe I can do this, too.'

'Course, I have to actually see my bestest guitar buddy for that to work...huh...?

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