Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day Two

Ten likes and dislikes.

....oh, how I wish I could get a more interesting topic. .___.

Orange, webcomics (good ones, anyway), writing FANTASTICAL stories, my book at the library being in (which it's NOT), ummm...
smiles, 'cause they're pretty and (usually) mean someone's happy.
hugs, 'cause they're just amazing. And I don't get enough anymore. .__.
CHOCOLATE. I really need to explain?
warm blankets and good books. (that's two, isn't it?)
daydreaming, 'cause it's fun. :3

Hypocrisy: Both my own and other's.
LOUD loud LOUD people that are being LOUD for NO REASON.
Dry skin. I have battle it for so. long. And I still can't win.
....the fact that Catching Fire is STILL not in at the library....
Katniss. 'Cause she's an IDIOT. ....(still on the Hunger Games, sorry...)
When someone almost....makes....a point......but then they spell something wrong and all meaning they had goes out the window. 'Cause I'm like that.
Knee socks that are for twig-legged people. :|
Thinking on spot. It never turns out very well. (Except in tests....sometimes....)
Awkwardness. With a fiery, burning passion of a thousand and three suns.
The five to eight weeks ahead of me that I'm going to spend nearly every waking moment waiting for my ACT score. ._________.

Speaking of the ACT. I think I did okay on that yesterday! ...maybe....I think....oh guh can't they just grade it and give it to me now?!?!?!?!?! Ignoring my frustrations with getting my score back, I ended up having Black Sheep by Metric, Malchik Gey by t.A.t.U., and How to Save a Life by the band that has that song stuck in my head during it. Well, not really all of Black Sheep, but the beginning part did well for my "let's breathe slowly and not hyperventilate. If you look the song up, you'll see why. :3

And that is all. Today I do the ACT Workkeys. Hopefully less AUGH LEMME OUTTA HEEEEEERE.

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